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Rest for Your Anxious Heart

Rest for Your Anxious Heart

Everyone is busy. And even when we get some time off, we struggle to feel rested. Jesus promised that He could provide rest for our souls. But that rest comes as He deals with the heart issues that rob our rest. This message looks at how we can experience the deep rest that Jesus promises.

Matthew 11:28 -30 // [no outline]

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Christmas Seekers

Christmas Seekers

There are many surprises in the Christmas story, but perhaps nothing quite as surprising as who shows up for the birth. The wise men who bring gifts for the baby are the most unlikely worshippers of the Christ child and the obstacles they overcame to get to Him inspire our own journey of hope. This message looks at what the wise men teach us about overcoming the obstacles that keep us from true worship.

Matthew 2:1-12 // No outline

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Christmas Tears

Christmas Tears

When we depict the Christmas story in carols and cards, we remember the angels, shepherds, manger and wise men. But the birth of Jesus took place under the threat of a king intent on killing Him and in the shadow of the unspeakable loss that the king’s paranoia and rage brought about. This message looks at what has been called Herod’s, “slaughter of the innocents,” and how it speaks hope into the despair that can often accompany the holidays.

Matthew 2:13-23 // [outline]

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Christmas Miracles

Christmas Miracles

The stage is set for the birth of the Messiah, but the baby is in danger of being abandoned. In order to accept Jesus, Joseph has to deal with ridicule from others, his own preconceptions and the fact that he will no longer be in control. To receive Jesus’ work in our lives today, we face the same challenges. This message looks at how Joseph responded to the obstacles that almost kept him from accepting Jesus and how we can overcome them ourselves.

Mathew 1:18-25 // [outline]

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Christmas Outcasts

Christmas Outcasts

Most people don’t advertise their past unless there’s something remarkable about it. And if there are skeletons in the closet, we certainly don’t want them to get out. But Matthew begins his presentation of the Christmas story with a stunning family tree that deepens our understanding of who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish. This message examines how Jesus fulfills the promises to Abraham and David and has the grace to transform those whom the world would hide and exclude.

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