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Nothing Separates Us From God's Love

Nothing Separates Us From God's Love

Life can overwhelm us, and we find ourselves asking, What good is God if I’m going through all of these trials? This message looks at the help and assurance God provides when times are tough.

Romans 8:31-39 // [outline]

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God Finishes What He Starts

God Finishes What He Starts

Growth as a Christian isn’t a random self-help project. God is at work in every circumstance of our lives to make us more like Jesus and ensure that the work He has begun in our lives will be completed.

Romans 8:28-30 // [outline]

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Hope Crushes Despair

Hope Crushes Despair

Life is often hard and each of us eventually feels its pain in different ways. What we hope in dramatically impacts how we face that pain, however. This message looks at the incredible hope the Bible holds out for us to lay hold of in suffering and the help that the Spirit gives us as we do.

Romans 8:18-27 // [outline]

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God's Power to Help You Change

God's Power to Help You Change

We often come to God with shame and frustration over our attempts at true righteousness. And it’s possible to bring our old mindset into our new relationship with Him. But the Holy Spirit does for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. This message looks at what the Holy Spirit provides for us and what He calls us to.

Romans 8:1-17 // [outline}

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I Want to Do Right, So Why Don't I?

I Want to Do Right, So Why Don't I?

Self-help books line the bestseller lists, promising personal growth to all who follow their seven easy steps. But the testimony of the Bible is that even the greatest list of rules was unsuccessful in changing people. What’s wrong with the lists? Why don’t we do what we want to do? And how can we really change? This message looks at what went wrong under Old Covenant, so we don’t make the same mistakes under the New Covenant.

Romans 7:7-25 // [outline]

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Double Jeopardy Living

Double Jeopardy Living

People see the commands of God and feel their condemnation. Shame leads to defeat which leads to sin and more shame. The gospel breaks this cycle. We now live under the principle of double jeopardy. This message looks at how our death to sin’s penalty enables us to walk free of its condemnation and serve God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 7:1-6 // [outline]

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Under New Management

Under New Management

Never before have we pursued freedom as a society like we do today. We hold it up as our highest good, but we seldom define it, and when we do, there’s usually not an accompanying discussion of consequences. This message looks at a biblical definition of freedom and how we can grow in it.

Romans 6:15-23 // [outline]

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Temptation Had Its Tires Slashed

Temptation Had Its Tires Slashed

People assume that Christianity is either a straitjacket of morality or a licence to sin. When they discover that it is neither, they can be confused as to what the believer’s motivation is in avoiding temptation. This message looks at how reckoning with our union with Christ declaws temptation’s hold on us.

Romans 6:1-14 // [outline]

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