With 2020 almost drawing to a close, instead of a regular post, I thought I’d share a behind-the-scenes look at the studios where we film our sermons, vlogs, and Sunday School videos. Some people have asked whether I film these at my home. Others have wondered whether I use my phone to record them. If I was relying on my own talents and resources, I probably would. Thankfully, God has provided a great team. They have invested a lot of time and research in getting the right lighting, sound, and picture quality to ensure that what you see online doesn’t distract from the message we’re trying to communicate. Out of gratefulness for them, let me show you what things look like from the other side of the camera.

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The first step in creating the studio was thinking through the mood we wanted to create. An unused office in the church house was chosen for its size and then remodeled with an imitation brick background with shelves, a sign, and a pine desk. This set was designed for my Out of Neutral vlog but then repurposed for weekly sermons when the pandemic hit.

In order to create a warm mood in the room without creating shadows, a large diffuser light is used in front, another is placed on the floor facing the backdrop, and two bare bulbs are off to one side, with one on the bookshelf and another just out of view. When shooting, all the blinds are closed, and the room’s fluorescent lighting is turned off so as not to compete with the studio lights.

The next step is sound. With an overhead mic pointed at my face, my voice is picked up, but there is also a lot of echo and reverberation. To eliminate that, partitions with moving blankets were placed diagonally on either side of the desk, and foam squares are set in front of me and taped to the ceiling and back wall.

The next challenge is the recording itself. Because I record alone in the room, I need a way to focus the camera. I have a simple bull’s eye taped to a music stand that I use to adjust the focus. I do a basic focus adjustment using that and then go back and forth between the camera and my seat a number of times to fine-tune the focus.

Our Grace Kids videos are filmed in a similar way in a corner of the church basement. Native room lighting is covered over, and a large diffuser spreads the light across the set.

Partitions are used to reduce the potential for noise and echo, and mics are arranged to get a clear sound. Of course, none of this would be of any value without Caleb and Sarah’s faithful work and preparation each week to make the children’s teachings so effective.

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Once the recordings are complete, the back-end work begins. Our video editors go to work each week splicing the video clips together with the songs that have been chosen and the beginning and ending slides and music. A final check is made before the videos are uploaded and made available to view Sunday morning.

I’m grateful for the many people who serve so faithfully each week to make our “Home Worship” possible. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” When the different members of Christ’s body serve with an attention to detail and a passion for excellence with God’s glory as their goal, we’re all blessed. I consider myself blessed to serve alongside such a great team!

In awe of Him,
